The HT 3000 Chamber consists of an all-stainless 240 Liter measuring chamber available

High-end, application based hardness testing under thermal influence

In the tire, automotive, aerospace as well as general technical rubber industry parts and products are subjected to a huge thermal spectrum – in order to understand the material behavior and especially the change of the material hardness under those extreme conditions, the HT 3000 chamber has been developed.


Optionally the chamber can also be equipped with controlled humidity or de-humidification. High air circulation rates inside the test area guarantee uniform temperature and humidity distribution in the test space.
The HT 3000 chamber is fitted with a highly energy efficient, triple stage compressor unit with a closed refrigeration system. This completely eliminates the need for external gases or cooling media, allowing continuous operation at lowest operational cost.


The HT 3000 Chamber consists of an all-stainless 240 Liter measuring chamber available in two temperature ranges from -40°C or optionally -70°C to + 180°C.